3. Floss picks
These things are notorious for winding up in landfills, but there are options to buy environmental friendly biodegradable floss picks that are made out of food starches so that they are compostable. The Humble Co. and the Youth Knowledge Laugh company make these floss picks.
4. Plastic spoons, forks, knives, & plates
For those of you who don't like to wash dishes, or have parties probably haven't noticed that most of the plastic silverware you use do not have BPA free, recycable logos on them, or are not biodegradable meaning they wind up in our dumps, and turn into microplastics. Try the Biocean cutlery set or the Jeopace set with plates as an eco friendly option.
5. Straws
You've probably heard by now that straws are not only bad for the environment, but wind up in our oceans getting stuck the nasal cavities, throats, stomachs of tortoises, and other marine life. Deceased whales who die of unknown causes wash up on our shores all the time and when biologists do autopies to see what are in their stomachs, they are full plastics. Try these StrawPanda straws as a biodegradable ecofriendly option.
6. Non-recycable plastic food containers
The lids eventually break after many years of use. When they do, you throw the lid or the whole container away, and you know where they wind up! There are BPA free plastic food containers you can use instead like these 18 Stackable BPA free plastic containers. Laboratory studies, using internationally accepted guidelines from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), show that BPA is readily and inherently biodegradable in water, meaning that it breaks down rapidly and does not persist in the environment.
7. Shoes
There are shoe companies that make environmental friendly shoes that biodegrade as regular plant materials do for better soil carbon levels. The rubbers of your regular shoe soles will virtually never biodegrade. Here is a company that makes biodegradable shoes that aren't toxic or bad for the soil, or water.
8. SLS free shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and toothpastes
You may know someone with dandruff, dry, cracked, bleeding skin, and bad breath. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a commercial degreaser that is put into everyday cosmetic products like shampoo, conditioner, soap, and toothpaste that strips our skin of its natural oils, and ruins the natural microbiome of our mouth that causes rapid bad breath soon after brushing, and morning breath. Here is the fragrance & SLS free Ginger Lilly Farms 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, body wash for kids, and adults. If you want to try a fragrance & SLS free hand soap, try Adams Handmade Soap. For an SLS free toothpaste option try the Hello tooth paste band!